March 2019

Dear Fellow Labourers,


Cassie and I greet you in the name which is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We are honored to labor alongside of each of you to reach the world with the Gospel.  I often think of how God could have chosen any number of ways to impact this world for the cause of Christ, yet He has chosen to use both you and me.  Therefore, if we are to make the greatest difference for the Lord, we must see the need to labor together.  Paul wrote in I Timothy 3:6-7, I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.  Some of us may plant, others may water, but only the Lord can bless our efforts together to the point that a harvest is produced.  We pray for that and are honored to labor with you to that end.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your prayers and financial support.


Since our last prayer letter our travels to “fan the flame of world evangelism” have taken us to Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, and our home state of Georgia.  Of course, when I say, “fan the flame of world evangelism,” I am not just talking about special meetings and opportunities to preach, I am also talking about being soul winners ourselves.  Cassie and I remind ourselves every day to be “soul conscience” everywhere we go.  Throughout the course of our daily lives we continuously come in contact with people that Jesus died on the cross to save.  Please help us pray that God would use each Gospel tract and each Gospel presentation that we give to take root in the hearts of the people that hear it, thus resulting in precious souls being saved for God’s honor and His glory.


Cassie and I are also asking the Lord to use us to play a small part in helping local churches raise one million dollars this year for world evangelism.  Thus far, every Mission’s Sunday and conference have resulted in an increase in faith promise giving.  Praise the Lord!  An increase in mission’s giving means more missionaries getting to the field and more churches being planted, thus resulting in more people hearing the Gospel message.  Of course, giving is just one way we can reach others with the Gospel.  We were very pleased this quarter to be reminded that God is still calling people to go themselves as we approved another missionary to South Africa.  We are convinced that God is still calling men and women to the mission field!  Whether it be across the street or across the sea, each of us have been commissioned by our Lord to take the Gospel to whosoever we may meet along life’s way.  Here in our home office we pray daily not only for our Macedonia missionaries on the field, but also for God to burden many more hearts to surrender to do whatever God would have them to do to reach others with the Gospel.  Certainly, the Lord Jesus said it best when He said in Luke 10:2b, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.  Please join us in prayer this quarter that God would raise up more labourers for His harvest.


Again, thank you for partnering with the Caudill family in your prayers and financial support so we can continue to do what God has called us to do.  In May of this year, we will mark five years since leaving the pastorate to become the General Director of MWBM.  We are firmly persuaded to believe that the best is yet to come.  Therefore, we continue by faith.

For the sake of souls,

Dr. Scott Caudill