December 2018

Dear Friends and Co Labourers,


Paul wrote to his beloved friends at Philippi in Philippians 1, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy,…”  Paul shared the kind of relationship with the believers at Philippi that caused him to thank God for them every time He brought them to his remembrance.  Today, Cassie and I feel the same way about each of you.  As a result of your faithful prayers and financial support we are able to continue doing what God has called us to do.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.


We are thrilled to be able to partner with you to reach the world with the Gospel.  Just since our last letter, our travels to fan the flame of world evangelism have taken us to Utah, Indiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and of course our home state of Georgia.  Not only have we had the privilege of helping churches with their missions outreach through missions conferences and special Sundays, but also we have had the opportunity to share the gospel on numerous occasions along the way.  I want to assure you that both Cassie and I realize that world evangelism does not begin across the sea, but rather across the street.  Would you please join us in prayer that the seed of the gospel that has been sown will take root and produce fruit in the hearts of those to whom we have witnessed?


I have been preaching a message lately that I have entitled, “Being a Blessing to America.”  Throughout the course of the message I place special emphasis on the great need of reaching our own country with the Gospel.  Recently while preaching in NC, a young man who had surrendered to missions but was still praying about where to go, approached me to tell me that God had burdened his heart that night to reach America!  Praise the Lord!  That, ladies and gentlemen, is beyond a shadow of a doubt the hope of our great country.  Again, while preaching that same message at another church, we were amazed at the number of people that asked us afterward how they might support church planting here in our own country.  Of course, it was our joy to tell them.  We praise the Lord for what we see the Lord doing along the way.  God is not through calling men to the mission field or using those who desire to be a help and a blessing to missionaries to get the job done!  Truly, we are labourers together with Christ as the Bible teaches us in I Corinthians 3:9.  Each and every one of us can and should have a part in reaching the world with the Gospel.  Will you pray?  Will you give?  Will you go?


We have also been very busy here at our home office in Hoschton, Georgia, as well.  We have departure interviews scheduled with church planters headed to both Argentina and Nicaragua, with more to come as missionaries reach their targeted support level while on deputation.  We have also interviewed, and Lord willing, will be approving a national church planter in Venezuela, with another interview scheduled with a missionary to Brazil.  This is an answer to prayer for which we are tremendously grateful.  Please join us in praying that God would raise up even more labourers in the days to come.  Remember Jesus said in Matthew 9:38, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”


By the time many of you receive this letter Christmas time will be upon us.  Cassie and I want you to know that we consider your friendship and partnership with us as a precious gift from God for which we do not take for granted or lightly.  Therefore we thank you and wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.  As a result of our wonderful Lord’s faithfulness through each of you, we continue by faith.


For the sake of souls,

Dr. Scott and Cassie Caudill


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