June 2019

Dear Co Labourers,


                To God be the glory, great things He has done!  Cassie and I write with exciting news since our previous letter.  Over the course of the last quarter our Executive Board has been very busy.  We have approved new missionary families to the Southwest as well as the Northwest USA.  Another couple has committed to be a part of our “church rescue” ministry and assist struggling churches across America.  In just a few days we will be interviewing another family that has filed application to take the Gospel to China.  These are exciting days to say the least; days in which we have been reminded that God is not through calling His people to very specific fields of service.  It is our joy here at Macedonia to labor alongside of these sending churches and pastors in order that others may hear the same good news that changed our lives.  Praise the Lord!

We have had the busiest spring since our service began with Macedonia.   Week after week, while staying in close contact with our home office, it has been our joy to travel from state to state as ambassadors for world evangelism.  God has granted safety over the course of thousands of miles of traveling for which we are grateful.  He has also given us souls for our labor.  Recently, while soul winning during a mission conference at the Freedom Baptist Church of Fayetteville, NC, where Brother Paul Worley serves as the pastor, I had the privilege of leading a seventeen-year-old young man to the Lord.  What a joy!  I am also praying for another man I met that week by the name of David.  David was so kind to allow me to share the Gospel with him; however, he has yet to respond to it.  Will you please join me in prayer for David?  The greatest need right now in David’s life is his need of a Saviour.

We also want to ask you to be much in prayer as Cassie and I plan two separate missions trips in 2020.  We are not sure at this point if she will be able to attend both; however, our plans are to be in Africa in  January, as well as Europe in July of next year.  Currently we are saving as much as we can and trusting the Lord to supply the finances in order that we may purchase the airline tickets.  The Lord is able!  He  has reminded us of that time and time again.  In fact, we want to personally thank Pastor Travis Blackwell and our friends at the Westside Baptist Church of Spartanburg, SC, who have been so very gracious to send monthly support specifically designated for travel.  From the bottom of our hearts we thank you.  God has been so gracious to us through His people.  We do not take that lightly neither do we take it for granted.  We are determined to be good and gracious stewards of the support that God gives.  We have set up a separate travel account here at the office as we plan for the trips I have mentioned next year.  We sure would appreciate your prayers for safety as well as for the financial need to be met.

Five years ago last month, Cassie and I left the pastorate after twenty two years in order for me to serve as the General Director of MWBM.  It would be absolutely impossible for me to share the names of all the people that God has used to assist us in doing what God has called us to do.  However, let me say to each of you yet again, thank you.  We love and appreciate you all and count it an honor to labor alongside of you for the Gospel’s sake.  Therefore, in light of the great need of the world, we continue by faith.

For the sake of souls,

Dr. Scott Caudill


Printer Friendly Version

March 2019

Dear Fellow Labourers,


Cassie and I greet you in the name which is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We are honored to labor alongside of each of you to reach the world with the Gospel.  I often think of how God could have chosen any number of ways to impact this world for the cause of Christ, yet He has chosen to use both you and me.  Therefore, if we are to make the greatest difference for the Lord, we must see the need to labor together.  Paul wrote in I Timothy 3:6-7, I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.  Some of us may plant, others may water, but only the Lord can bless our efforts together to the point that a harvest is produced.  We pray for that and are honored to labor with you to that end.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your prayers and financial support.


Since our last prayer letter our travels to “fan the flame of world evangelism” have taken us to Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, and our home state of Georgia.  Of course, when I say, “fan the flame of world evangelism,” I am not just talking about special meetings and opportunities to preach, I am also talking about being soul winners ourselves.  Cassie and I remind ourselves every day to be “soul conscience” everywhere we go.  Throughout the course of our daily lives we continuously come in contact with people that Jesus died on the cross to save.  Please help us pray that God would use each Gospel tract and each Gospel presentation that we give to take root in the hearts of the people that hear it, thus resulting in precious souls being saved for God’s honor and His glory.


Cassie and I are also asking the Lord to use us to play a small part in helping local churches raise one million dollars this year for world evangelism.  Thus far, every Mission’s Sunday and conference have resulted in an increase in faith promise giving.  Praise the Lord!  An increase in mission’s giving means more missionaries getting to the field and more churches being planted, thus resulting in more people hearing the Gospel message.  Of course, giving is just one way we can reach others with the Gospel.  We were very pleased this quarter to be reminded that God is still calling people to go themselves as we approved another missionary to South Africa.  We are convinced that God is still calling men and women to the mission field!  Whether it be across the street or across the sea, each of us have been commissioned by our Lord to take the Gospel to whosoever we may meet along life’s way.  Here in our home office we pray daily not only for our Macedonia missionaries on the field, but also for God to burden many more hearts to surrender to do whatever God would have them to do to reach others with the Gospel.  Certainly, the Lord Jesus said it best when He said in Luke 10:2b, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.  Please join us in prayer this quarter that God would raise up more labourers for His harvest.


Again, thank you for partnering with the Caudill family in your prayers and financial support so we can continue to do what God has called us to do.  In May of this year, we will mark five years since leaving the pastorate to become the General Director of MWBM.  We are firmly persuaded to believe that the best is yet to come.  Therefore, we continue by faith.

For the sake of souls,

Dr. Scott Caudill



December 2018

Dear Friends and Co Labourers,


Paul wrote to his beloved friends at Philippi in Philippians 1, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy,…”  Paul shared the kind of relationship with the believers at Philippi that caused him to thank God for them every time He brought them to his remembrance.  Today, Cassie and I feel the same way about each of you.  As a result of your faithful prayers and financial support we are able to continue doing what God has called us to do.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.


We are thrilled to be able to partner with you to reach the world with the Gospel.  Just since our last letter, our travels to fan the flame of world evangelism have taken us to Utah, Indiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and of course our home state of Georgia.  Not only have we had the privilege of helping churches with their missions outreach through missions conferences and special Sundays, but also we have had the opportunity to share the gospel on numerous occasions along the way.  I want to assure you that both Cassie and I realize that world evangelism does not begin across the sea, but rather across the street.  Would you please join us in prayer that the seed of the gospel that has been sown will take root and produce fruit in the hearts of those to whom we have witnessed?


I have been preaching a message lately that I have entitled, “Being a Blessing to America.”  Throughout the course of the message I place special emphasis on the great need of reaching our own country with the Gospel.  Recently while preaching in NC, a young man who had surrendered to missions but was still praying about where to go, approached me to tell me that God had burdened his heart that night to reach America!  Praise the Lord!  That, ladies and gentlemen, is beyond a shadow of a doubt the hope of our great country.  Again, while preaching that same message at another church, we were amazed at the number of people that asked us afterward how they might support church planting here in our own country.  Of course, it was our joy to tell them.  We praise the Lord for what we see the Lord doing along the way.  God is not through calling men to the mission field or using those who desire to be a help and a blessing to missionaries to get the job done!  Truly, we are labourers together with Christ as the Bible teaches us in I Corinthians 3:9.  Each and every one of us can and should have a part in reaching the world with the Gospel.  Will you pray?  Will you give?  Will you go?


We have also been very busy here at our home office in Hoschton, Georgia, as well.  We have departure interviews scheduled with church planters headed to both Argentina and Nicaragua, with more to come as missionaries reach their targeted support level while on deputation.  We have also interviewed, and Lord willing, will be approving a national church planter in Venezuela, with another interview scheduled with a missionary to Brazil.  This is an answer to prayer for which we are tremendously grateful.  Please join us in praying that God would raise up even more labourers in the days to come.  Remember Jesus said in Matthew 9:38, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”


By the time many of you receive this letter Christmas time will be upon us.  Cassie and I want you to know that we consider your friendship and partnership with us as a precious gift from God for which we do not take for granted or lightly.  Therefore we thank you and wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.  As a result of our wonderful Lord’s faithfulness through each of you, we continue by faith.


For the sake of souls,

Dr. Scott and Cassie Caudill


Printer Friendly Version

September 2018

Dear Friends and Co-Laborers,

                    As always, Cassie and I greet you in the name that is above every other name, the Lord Jesus Christ.  As we correspond this quarter, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and praise for literally thousands of miles of safe travel and many opportunities to share the Gospel while on our way.  It has been our joy to represent you and your church family while traveling abroad and at home for the cause of Christ.

                    The highlight of the quarter was the blessing of being part of our Macedonia European Church Planter’s Conference in Rothenburg, Germany.  Within just twelve days, Cassie and I traveled through seven countries, stayed in two missionary’s homes, and spent three days with our European missionary families during the conference. 

  Upon arriving in England, it was our joy to spend a few days with Brother Jonathan and his wife, Mrs. Natalie VandenHurk.   They are being used of the Lord in a mighty way at the Calvary Baptist Church in Peterborough, England.  I was amazed to see God bless their services during the Lord’s Day when we were with them.  I preached Sunday morning, Cassie taught the children’s Sunday school during the afternoon, and we were thrilled to hear Bro. VandenHurk preach the Sunday evening service.  What a day we had!  We left greatly encouraged after having spent time with this great couple and their church family.  

  From England, it was on to Germany where we met with nine MWBM missionary families serving in Europe for the Church Planter’s Conference.  Dr. Roger Baker, MWBM’s European/Middle East Field Director, did a wonderful job planning and preparing for the conference.  I know each family was blessed and encouraged as we all spent time together around the things of the Lord.  I truly believe each family left challenged to stay the course for the cause of Christ. Cassie and I both taught classes during the conference and greatly enjoyed spending time with the missionaries.  We were encouraged as we visited with them and got a better understanding of their burden, their passion, their struggles, and accomplishments.   The Lord is using this group of people to spread the gospel to Europe, but more laborers are needed!  Would you consider joining them as they seek souls for Christ?

  After the conference, we joined Bro. Jeremiah and Mrs. Lindsay Cooley along with their daughter Ruth, at their home in southern Germany.  On Sunday, we traveled with them into Liechtenstein where they hold services each week.  This is a closed country, but the Cooleys are spreading the gospel there.  It was our joy to meet a young man Bro. Cooley led to Christ just recently.    I am convinced God is going to use the Cooleys in a great way in Liechtenstein.

  If not for your faithful prayers and support, we could not have made this remarkable trip.  Our hearts are burdened more than ever for the great need for Christ to be preached around the world.   We send to you sincere thanks for your generosity and sacrifice in getting us to Europe. 

  The need is great, but the laborers are few.   Let us each one heed Christ’s plea to pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers.  Also, consider visiting the mission field yourself to be an encouragement to your missionaries.  If you were on a foreign field, what a tremendous blessing it would be to you to receive a visit from someone who cared for you and sought to spur you on in the work of the Lord.  At Macedonia, we would love to help you get to the field in any capacity you feel led to go. 

  Please join us in prayer for Dylan, a young man I had the privilege of witnessing to recently while we were on the road.  Everyone everywhere needs the gospel!  It is our great joy and honor to be your ambassadors for Christ!

  Since returning from Europe we have resumed a busy schedule here in our home office and on the road.  Truly the hour is late, and the need is great!  Therefore, with the help of the Lord as well as our co Labourers we continue by faith. 



Dr. Scott and Cassie Caudill
Ps. 28:7


June 2018

Dear Co Labourers,

Cassie and I greet you as always in the name which is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is only through Him that we have the hope of eternal life.  It is only through your faithful prayers and financial support that we can serve Him to the greatest extent.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.  We count it an honor to labor alongside of you for the cause of a world that stands in need of the Saviour.

First of all we want to thank every church, as well as every individual that helped us financially with the cost of our trip to Europe for our Macedonia World Baptist Missions European church planters conference coming up in the month of July in Rothenburg, Germany.  We are so glad to be able to report to you that between what Cassie and I have saved and what our supporting churches and individuals have given, every need has been supplied!  To God be the glory!  We also plan to attend church services with MWBM missionaries Jonathan and Natalie VandenHurk (England) as well as Jeremiah and Lindsey Cooley and family (Liechtenstein) while in Europe.  Needless to say we will be traveling many thousands of miles within the almost two weeks we will be out of the United States and therefore would certainly appreciate your prayers for safety.  I am convinced that only eternity will reveal the fruit of our efforts together as we make this trip.  Thank you for allowing us to represent you and your church family while in Europe and abroad.  Rest assured that is a task that we do not take lightly.

Since our last prayer letter, Cassie and I have “fanned the flame of world evangelism” in New York, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, as well as our home state of Georgia.  Week after week, while traveling literally thousands of miles we count it all joy with your help to do what God has called upon us to do.  We have also been very busy here in our home office preparing for orientation and training June 18 through 21.  Lord willing, we will have the largest number of missionary families this year that we have had in several years.  Our executive board has also been busy.  Recently, they have approved two new missionary families to Argentina, one family to Peru, and another family to be a part of our USA church rescue ministry as well.  Every time God raises up another family I am reminded that He is still in the business of calling and separating His people for the work of world evangelism.  My prayer is that He would raise up even more as we approach His soon return.  We are not only praying to that end here at Macedonia, we are laboring to that end as well.  Let me encourage you to take out a map and take a good long look.  There are needs everywhere!  People need the Gospel!  Will you go?  Just remember MWBM can help your local church get you there.

Out of all the wonderful things I have spoken of in this quarter’s letter, I believe the best would be to mention the two precious souls that we have seen saved in meetings as we have traveled.  After all, that is really what the ministry is all about: souls!  Souls that Jesus died for!  Souls that He longs to use each of us to reach with His glorious Gospel.  Because of that, and for His glory, we continue by faith.


Dr. Scott and Cassie Caudill
Ps. 28:7


March 2018

Dear Friends,

Cassie and I count it an honor to labor with you in reaching the world for Christ.  Your faithful prayers and financial support have been used of the Lord to sustain us for another quarter of the year for which we are so very grateful.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each of you.

We have certainly been busy!  Here at our home office we are working diligently to help our 129 missionary families prepare for tax season.  That is right. As we reach the world with the Gospel we are still instructed to “render unto Caesar” as well.  What a blessing, huh?  We have also been very busy “fanning the flame of world evangelism.”  Since our last update, we have traveled literally thousands of miles on both the road and in the air to help pastors stress the need to their congregations to continue in their worldwide missions efforts.  The Lord has certainly blessed as we have seen Him stir the hearts of His people concerning the great need to reach the world while we yet have opportunity to do so.  Truly the hour is late, and the need is great!  The highlight of the quarter, however, had to have been after preaching a Sunday morning service at the Bethel Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro, NC.  Having heard the Bible message, “A Vessel For the Finer” out of Proverbs 25, a young man 27 years of age walked the aisle and trusted Christ as his Saviour.  It is always a joy to see people pass from death unto life having heard the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.  After 29 years of preaching, I never cease to be amazed at the power of the Gospel.  It still has the power to change men’s lives today.

Cassie and I also want to thank those of you that have given to help with the expense of our upcoming MWBM church planters conference in Europe during the month of July.  The Lord knows our hearts.  It is our desire to be a help and a blessing to each of our church planters while there.  Needless to say, the cost of such a trip is very expensive.  However, we firmly believe it is God’s will for us to be there and that He will supply the financial need in His timing as we trust and look to Him.  I assure you we are doing our part to plan, prepare, and save as much as possible.  However, we must pray that God will supply the remainder of the funds needed in the days to come.  We are hoping to purchase our airline tickets sometime in the month of May.  Currently the cost of airfare alone is around $3000 for the two of us.  Will you please help us pray about this need?

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:”  2 Thessalonians 3:1. Please know we pray for you faithfully and thank God for each and every one of you.  Only eternity will reveal the fruit of our labor together.

Sincerely for Souls,

Dr. Scott Caudill


June 2016

Dear Co labourers and Friends,

Cassie and I greet you in the wonderful and worthy name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  We say of you as Paul said of the Philippian believers in Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” We could not do what God has called us to do without your faithful prayers and financial support.  We are still at 75% of our needed monthly support for which we are grateful.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each of you that sacrifice on our behalf for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Our travels this quarter to “fan the flame of world evangelism” have taken us not only through our home state of Georgia, but also to Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Maryland, North and South Carolina, as well as Florida.  Each stop along the way has given us opportunity to share the gospel both in and out of the pulpit.  After all, world evangelism does not start across the sea, but rather across the street.  Please join us in prayer that the seed of the gospel will take root in the hearts of those to which it was sown and bring forth a harvest for God’s glory.

I also wanted to share a very special prayer request with you this quarter.  Since leaving the pastorate and coming with Macedonia, Cassie and I have averaged traveling 50,000 miles a year.  Needless to say the miles on the used vehicle that we started with have added up in a hurry.  I truly feel it is time for us to begin praying about another vehicle.  Since we are on the road as much as we are and travel not only with our own luggage but our display and product as well, we feel that God would have us trust Him for a minivan.  Please understand that we are simply asking you to help us pray that God would send us to the very one that He would have us to purchase.  We believe when God’s timing is right, we will not only know which one that is, but we believe He will also provide the funds for it as well.  We believe God!  I assure you that this is not a frivolous ambition on our part, but rather a genuine need to most effectively carry out the task that our Lord has called upon us to do.  We appreciate your prayers concerning this matter very much.  God is able!

Lord willing both Cassie and I will be traveling to Montana and Wyoming July 11-14 to help our North and Southwestern USA Field Directors conduct an orientation for our Western USA missionaries.  Currently MWBM assists 21 families planting churches in the Western States and we look forward to spending time with them as well as trying our best to be an encouragement.  Please help us pray for safety as we travel and that God would meet with us in a special way while we are there.

If you are ever in the Braselton area of Georgia, we would be honored to have you as our special guest at our home office.  Please stop by for a visit and see firsthand what the Lord continues to enable us to do as we assist local Independent Baptist Churches reach the world with the Gospel.  To GOD be the glory!



Dr. Scott Caudill

Ps. 28:7

March 2016

March 2016

Dear Co-labourers,
Cassie and I greet each of you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  We trust that you are well and enjoying the manifold blessings of our wonderful Lord.   The Psalmist declared in Psalms 68:19, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.”  One of those many  “benefits” the Psalmist spoke of is the privilege of laboring along side many of you in order to reach the world with the glorious gospel of Christ.   Let me assure you friends, our labor is not in vain.  May each and every one of us determine in our hearts to press on in our soul winning, church planting, and missionary sending efforts.  Only eternity will reveal the true worth of our labor together.
Whereas there are many stories I could share with you that would assure you that fruit abounds to your account as you partner with us, let me briefly mention two.  A few months ago while preaching a very simple salvation message in Asheboro, NC, one young man in his twenties walked the aisle and trusted Christ as his personal Saviour.  What a blessing to know the gospel still works!  It really is as the Apostle Paul said, “…the power of God unto salvation…” I was reminded that night, yet again, the power to change a man’s life doesn’t reside in a preacher’s personality or his delivery style, but rather in the gospel of Christ that he preaches.  Therefore, I am determined to keep preaching the gospel!  I am firmly convinced that same gospel of Christ is the only hope this world has of salvation.  May we remind ourselves often that what God did for that young man in Asheboro, NC, He longs to do for the world.  It is not God’s will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance before it is eternally too late.
Also, while preaching Missions Revival in January at the Immanuel Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, it was a blessing to see a young couple that the Lord had been dealing with for some time surrender their lives to take the gospel to Spain.  Lord willing, Brother Jason and Mrs. Jessica Stanley will be applying with Macedonia as church planters to Spain soon.  I look for the Lord to use this couple in a mighty way in the days ahead to reach Spain with the Gospel.
Finally brethren, will you please pray for us?  Please join us in prayer for safety as we travel.  We are averaging several thousand road miles a year on our automobile not to mention air miles.  There is a tremendous need for traveling mercy.  Also, please pray with us about our support level.  A few supporters partnered with us for our first year in missions, but now that we are beyond the first year that support has concluded and there is a great need to replace that support.  We are still around 75% of the support needed to effectively do what the Lord has called us to do.  Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us on a monthly basis?  I assure you Cassie and I will do our very best to make sure fruit abounds to your account as a result of doing so.   Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers, support, and consideration.



Dr. Scott Caudill


September 2015


September 2015

Dear Friends and Fellow Laborers,

“Rescue the Perishing; Care for the Dying! Jesus is merciful! Jesus WILL save!”

What a glorious truth to share with folks all over the world that Jesus cares for their soul, and longs to save them for all of eternity! What a great responsibility for those of us who are saved to “Rescue the perishing” by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with them! Our sincere thanks goes out to all of our supporters who make it possible for us to travel the world to share the Gospel and to minister to missionaries who are doing the work of God. If you could go with us and see the great work they are doing on your behalf to preach the Word to the world, you would be very pleased with how your missions dollars are being spent. Only eternity will reveal the worth of your investment in missions. Your labor is not in vain!

Since our last letter, I have had the privilege of visiting two of our Macedonia missionaries in Mexico: Bro. Jonathan Allinson and Bro. Jonathan Anderson. Both of these men and their families are laboring with fervor and zeal to see folks saved and churches planted. I had the privilege to preach in Mexico City at a National Pastor’s Conference with our Mexican Field Director, Bro. Fred Kindhart.   It was a great encouragement to know that the Gospel is being heralded forth through the efforts of these Pastors and their churches.

Our travels this quarter have taken us to North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and New York. We are thankful for the safety the Lord has provided us and for the excitement for missions that we have seen among the congregations we have been privileged to minister to. We also had a stay in the hospital during this quarter! I was in Robbinsville, NC for a meeting, but ended up having emergency surgery instead for a problem related to a hernia. God showed great mercy to us by giving us a good doctor and a good hospital staff to care for me during this time. Please pray for me as I face another surgery in November.

We are currently at 70% of our needed monthly support. Our goal of being fully supported by December 2015 is in sight! Would you please help us pray the remainder of our support will be fulfilled by year’s end? It will be a wonderful blessing to give ourselves more fully to fanning the flames of Word Evangelism and to providing any support we can to our missionaries.

May God richly bless you as you serve Him with gladness!

In His Service,

                                                                                                                      Dr. Scott Caudill
Psalm 28:7

June 2015

June 2015

Dear Friends and Fellow Laborers in the Gospel,

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;” I Timothy 1:12. It is such a privilege and a joy to be in the service of our great King, the Lord Jesus Christ. I am sincerely thankful to Him for calling me to preach and for giving me a work to do for His glory. I am sincerely thankful also to you, our faithful supporters, whom He has used in so many ways to make it possible for me to do what God has called me to do.

The first Sunday in May marked the end of our first year in Missions. The manifold blessings of the Lord over the last year have reminded us daily that where God guides, God always provides! He led us to step out by faith to become the President and General Director of Macedonia World Baptist Missions, and He has abundantly         provided for our every need. We have put over 50,000 miles on our vehicle as we travel around the country spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. In each mile He has protected us, provided for us, and proved His care for us. After one year on deputation, God has provided us with 60% of our needed support. We are praying that we will be fully supported by the end of 2015, and be able to give our full attention to the task of being an aid to our missionaries, their supporting churches, and Pastors around the world.

During this quarter I have preached many Revival meetings and Missions meetings. It was my great joy to lead a young man to the Lord at an altar of prayer during a meeting in South Carolina. We also saw two saved at meetings in South and North Carolina. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is what the world needs! It will eternally change the lives of those who place their faith in it! It never grows old! It was also our privilege to be part of a Marriage Retreat as well as a College Graduation. The potential of these young people is unlimited as they give themselves and their families to the cause of Christ. We were encouraged by their response to the preaching of God’s Word.

At the MWBM home office, we are preparing for two days of Missionary Training in June with our newest missionary candidates. It was also exciting for the Home Office to have a departure interview with Br. Jamie Smithey and his family as they plan to leave for Chile, South America in June. Helping these missionaries and others like them take the Gospel around the world is the joy of my life!

I want to praise God for providing the need for the plane fare as I make plans to travel to Mexico in August to be with two of our missionaries. I’m looking forward to seeing what God is doing there. By way of prayer requests, please help us pray for our house in Covington to sell. We truly need to be closer to the Home Office as soon as possible. Also, we appreciate your prayers for our safety on the roads, and for the remainder of our needed     support to come in. Your prayers are invaluable to us!

As Cassie and I have traveled this quarter to Maine, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee, you have gone with us through your faithful prayer and financial support. There is fruit being   garnered to your account as the Gospel is preached, tracts are being distributed, and witness is given. Thank you for making the Gospel a priority! Only eternity will reveal the worth of your investment.

In His Service,

Dr. and Mrs. Scott Caudill
Psalm 28:7